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About Tara

I feel blessed to be able to help people on their journey toward living a life of optimal health so they can reach their goals and full potential.

10+ years of clinical experience as a Kinesiologist

Qualified ICPKP

Registered Professional Member of the Australian Institute of Kinesiologists

Have helped 1000s of people in Australia and Worldwide

My Story

In 2009 I moved from an industry that focuses on people looking good, into one that focuses on people feeling good. And it was the best decision of my life.

For over 10 years in my hometown of Melbourne, I worked in the competitive world of fashion. As a Buyer and Designer, I traveled internationally, made amazing money and was living my dream life.

I worked hard and I lived hard. And it was killing me.

My health started to decline – I couldn’t sleep, I had night sweats, constantly experienced digestive problems and migraines, and was perpetually stressed and anxious. I ended up in a cycle of drinking caffeine to wake me up and alcohol to calm me down at night. There was also certainly no time to eat well or exercise.

My dream life had turned into a nightmare and I knew I had to change my path, before I became chronically ill. This is when I was introduced to Kinesiology, and it literally changed my life.

After only a few sessions with my Kinesiologist, I could already feel a difference – I was happier, healthier and more at peace. After a few more sessions, I had the courage to leave my old life and create the life I really wanted. I completely turned my life around.

I left my high-pressure Melbourne life to study Kinesiology full-time for three years at The Australian Wellness Centre in Byron Bay. Today, I’m a fully qualified AIK Kinesiologist (Australian Institute of Kinesiologists) running a busy Kinesiology clinic based in Byron Bay. I offer a supportive, nurturing, compassionate and confidential holistic natural therapy service for clients here in Byron Bay – and worldwide via online sessions.

I truly believe Kinesiology can renew your life because I am living testimony of how it can bring health, happiness, and vitality to your reality.

Through my own life experiences my practice has beautifully evolved further over the last 10 years, allowing me to help a broader range of clients. By experiencing my own personal trauma with loosing both my parents in less than a year, struggling with fertility issues, miscarriages and IVF for several years and working through relationship challenges, I have first-hand experience on how powerful kinesiology can be during these difficult times to nurture, support and guide you to a more balanced place with clarity and strength to move through the most challenging of circumstances that life throws at you.

Life is not meant to be a struggle. It should be lived with vitality and energy so we can make life work for us, rather than working for a life. I feel truly blessed to be able to facilitate the transformation in so many people’s lives and look forward to helping you make the changes necessary for you to move forward and reach your goals and full potential to truly live the life that you want to live.

"I truly believe Kinesiology can renew your life because I am living testimony of how it can bring health, happiness, and vitality to your reality."

— Tara Shields

My promise to you

My aim as a Kinesiologist is to inspire people to live a life of happiness, health and wellness, through making changes to their lives so they can reach their goals and full potential. Through educating people in all areas of health and wellness and clearing emotional blockages and sabotage programs, I empower people to heal themselves and take their lives into their own hands, creating the outcome they desire.

I look forward to helping you make the changes necessary for you to move forward and reach your goals and full potential to truly live the life that you want to live with happiness, health and abundance.

Lots of love,

Get in Touch

Would love to hear from you and how I can help you on your healing journey.

Kinesiology is a non-invasive natural therapy that uses muscle testing to find and correct imbalances in the body to bring it back to its natural state of harmony.